Fresh herbs are an awesome way to spice up your cooking. You can grab and fulls of parsley, oregano, mint, thyme, basil or rosemary to throw into dishes to add extra flavour, colour and fresh form the garden health benefits. Forget buying bunches of herbs from the supermarket, start your own herb garden instead.

·         Pick up a few punnets to get you up and running.

·         Keep them outside but near the kitchen for easy access.

·         Use a pot, planter box or even a styro box.

·         Give your herbs plenty of water; they seem to like old dish water the best.

·         Forget garnishing with a little spring, grab hand fulls at a time to put in the dish. A lot of herbs seem to like a good hacking to help them grow back.

·         And if you have littlies, get them involved in the planting, watering and picking process. 

If you have a good recipe using fresh herbs, send it in.